Sintering carbide die
Sintering carbide die is one of the most important modern tooling material manufacturer by a process of carbide die .The extensive development in the progress of the Sintering carbide die is due to in Smit engineering, who has discovered that the Sintering carbide die mixed with metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt and compacted can be sintered with liquid phase, to give a product with a low porosity, very high solidity and considerable carbide die. base on the results of his work Sintering carbides die consisting mainly of Sintering carbide die, were patented in 1923. Currently, it is a composite of Sintering carbide combined with cobalt or nickel matrix, and sometimes other additives such as tantalum , niobium, titanium.Its development is still characterized by high dynamics. It help to increase the inefficiency of several process , the durability of abrasion-resistant parts and tools made from them , thereby their use allows for a significant cost-effective effects.
Application of Sintering carbide die: